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My hopes, my dreams, and quarantine

Hello. My name is Claire and blah blah blah, most of you reading this already know who I am. So until our blog goes viral or whatever, I won't bore you with fun facts.

I will say that quarantine has not been easy. True that I am not the only one slightly fed up with my "isolation situation" but hey, I have a blog page to rant on now. So here I go on a bit of a ramble, just to sum up my side of things before my mom introduces hers...

Taking care of a blind dog is simultaneously much harder and much more (unfortunately) comedic than one may assume. Speaking of our beloved Ms. Cheeky, I will mention that she is having surgery tomorrow morning. Long story short, she had a scab on her back that she wouldn't stop scratching, so it became an open wound that was never to heal... Hence, surgery. It is not considered extremely serious or anything, but we are all a little on edge nonetheless. Please pray for our patience and strength, as well as her - uh - compliance.

Taking care of Oma has also been quite the experience. She raised me; she dropped me off/picked me up from school, fed me at least one meal a day, and went along with pretty much every crazy idea (usually craft-related) I had. Now it seems that the roles are reversed. I pick her up and bring her to our house for dinner every day (quarantine day 66, count 'em). I go over once a week to do her hair because we obviously can't take her to the salon. I clean her house every other week. All of this, I try to remember to be grateful for. And relatively calm about. But we're just over 2 months into this, and it sometimes seems like there is no end in sight.

The last thing I will say in that regard is: my mom also has her share of responsibilities - related to the aforementioned dependants, and otherwise. Hopefully she'll share an entry soon, with her perspective.


The photo is from a hike this past weekend. It was beautiful. I don't even remember the last time I hiked. The fresh air, the scenery, the feeling of walking on ground that isn't my neighbourhood sidewalk. There were quite a few people there but we did our best to ~keep the social distance~ of course. Still, I felt completely invigorated and inspired after some time among the trees. Take this as an official encouragement to look up forest paths near you - my favourite app is AllTrails.

I suppose that's it for now, thanks for reading! I've already got something fun in the works to share with you tomorrow so be sure to check back in. And rest assured that as entries progress, they will be less random and much more interesting. Or at least, I'll do my best.

Peace out,


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🤷🏼‍♂️Don’t see the ‘cover image’ you mentioned

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